
Internship at Aktech Labs

About Aktech Labs

Aktech Labs is a consulting company based in London. It focuses on solving engineering problems in the domains of Web, Machine Learning, Big Data, and Operations Research.

How did I get the Internship?

My friend shared this job opportunity on Linkedin, and as it was Easyapply I filled out the form and applied. Soon after 2 days Amit(CEO) reached out to me and asked me if I was available for a quick call.

Later we had a call discussing the job role, tech stack, and a normal conversation on React and my Projects. In the end, he gave me the assignment to make a Flask web app whose front end would be on React and I had to authorize the user using Github and show his/her all GitHub repositories after logging in.

I completed the assignment in 5 days and submitted it to Amit with a video explaining the code. After about a week we got on a call and discussed the other easy/efficient ways to implement the above task. Later he hired me :)

What did I add to Aktech Labs?

I worked as a Software Developer for about 6 months at Aktech Labs, The product I worked on was Cirun. It provides GitHub actions on the cloud.

First Task

My first two months mainly revolved around learning the code base and fixing some minor front-end bugs. The first major task that I got was adding a new cloud provider to Cirun’s portfolio, the cloud was Microsoft Azure. I added it in about a month and tested it thoroughly and at this moment Cirun is using it in production.

Second Task

At this moment Cirun was only providing the option to run CI/CD workflows on public clouds, the next task that I was assigned was to create a infrastructure as a cloud and then run GitHub actions on it, I studied this for a while, explored options available on the internet for CPU virtualizations started with AWS firecracker but later pivoted to OpenStack as firecracker didn’t provide GPU support.

Worked on Openstack for about a month, and later wrote the code to create any system as a cloud, and run Github actions workflows on it. I added the CPU support for this and explored the GPU part also but this was later completed by Amit.

While working here I also wrote a blog on using GitHub actions with Cirun on GCP. Here’s the link to this blog.

My Learnings

I had never explored cloud, DevOps, or backend development before working here. After completing my six months I know how microservices work, what is the lifecycle of a product and how DevOps play a keen role in this.

Final Words

I would like to Thank Amit for believing in me, and providing me with such a great opportunity where my learning curve was so good. It was my first internship but the things I learned looked too overwhelming at starting, but now I am proud that I know so many amazing technologies.

This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.

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